The Ultimate Guide to Dog Proofing Your Chicken Coop

how to dog proof chicken coop

Dog Proofing Your Chicken Coop: A Complete Guide

If you're someone who loves to enjoy the company of both dogs and chickens, it's important to make sure they can coexist in harmony. However, having a dog around your chicken coop can be risky, as dogs have a natural prey drive and chickens can be seen as potential targets. In this article, we're going to go over some effective ways to dog proof your chicken coop to ensure the safety of both your feathered friends and loyal canine companion.

Understanding Your Dog's Prey Drive

Before getting into the specifics of dog proofing your chicken coop, it's important to understand your dog's prey drive. This is the instinctive and natural tendency for dogs to chase and kill small animals. Some breeds, such as terriers and hounds, are known for their strong prey drive. While others, such as retrievers, are bred to retrieve and not kill small animals.

  • It's essential to train your dog from a young age not to chase or harm small animals.
  • Socialization with other animals can also help reduce or manage prey drive in dogs.
  • Supervision is key - always keep an eye on your dog around small animals such as chickens.
  • Never leave your dog unsupervised around a chicken coop.

Secure Your Chicken Coop

The first step in dog proofing your chicken coop is to make sure it's secure. Dogs are intelligent and can figure out how to open doors, gates, and even latches. Here are some things you can do to make sure your chicken coop is secure:

  • Use strong and sturdy fencing material to enclose the area around the coop.
  • Make sure the doors and gates to the coop are secured with a strong latch.
  • Install a roof or wire mesh over the top of the coop to prevent dogs from jumping or climbing over and into the coop.
  • Bury the fence around the coop several inches in the ground to prevent digging.


Train Your Dog to Respect the Chicken Coop

Training your dog to respect the space around the chicken coop is essential to preventing any accidents or injuries. Here are some training tips to help your dog learn to stay away from the chicken coop:

  • Teach your dog the 'leave it' command and use it when they approach the chicken coop.
  • Reward your dog with treats and praise for showing good behavior around the chicken coop.
  • Use a leash or a long line to control your dog's movements around the coop.
  • Never allow your dog to play around the coop or chase after the chickens.


Create Barriers within the Chicken Coop

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, dogs can still find a way to access the chicken coop. In this case, it's important to have barriers within the chicken coop to keep the chickens safe. Here are some ideas for creating barriers:

  • Use a separate enclosure within the chicken coop for the chickens to perch in, which is inaccessible to dogs.
  • Build a wall or fence within the chicken coop to create a protected space for the chickens.
  • Create pathways around the chicken coop that are too narrow for dogs to get through.



Dog proofing your chicken coop is an essential step to ensuring the safety of both your chickens and your dogs. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can create a safe and secure environment for your pets to coexist. Remember to always supervise your dogs around the chicken coop and train them to respect the space, and you'll be able to enjoy the companionship of both your furry and feathered friends for years to come.
