Chicken Coop Hanger: The Convenient and Space-Saving Solution

chicken coop hanger

Why a Chicken Coop Hanger is a Must-Have for Poultry Farmers


Raising chickens has become a popular hobby and source of food for many households across the world. However, with limited space in urban and suburban areas, keeping chickens can be a challenging task. That’s where the chicken coop hanger comes in. This convenient and space-saving solution is a must-have for poultry farmers, whether you have a small backyard or run a larger farm.

What is a Chicken Coop Hanger?

A chicken coop hanger is a device that allows you to suspend your chicken coop above the ground and off of your lawn or garden bed. It comes in various sizes and styles, depending on the size of your chicken coop. They are typically made of strong, durable materials like steel, aluminum, or wood, and are designed to bear the weight of your coop and chickens.

Why Use a Chicken Coop Hanger?

There are many benefits to using a chicken coop hanger. Here are a few:

  • Saves Space: By suspending your coop above the ground, you can maximize your limited outdoor space. This is especially beneficial for urban and suburban environments where outdoor space is at a premium.
  • Protects Your Lawn: Chickens can quickly destroy your lawn or garden bed by scratching and pecking away at the soil. By using a chicken coop hanger, you can prevent your chickens from damaging your turf or garden bed.
  • Easy Access: Hanging your coop above the ground makes it easier to access and clean. You no longer need to bend over or kneel down to clean the coop, reducing strain and discomfort on your back and knees.
  • Improves Air Circulation: Airflow is crucial for maintaining good health in your chickens. When suspended, the coop is better ventilated, and air can circulate freely.
  • Predator Protection: It’s not just humans that will be deterred by suspending your coop. Predators like foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey will have a much harder time gaining access to your chickens if they are up off of the ground.

Types of Chicken Coop Hangers

There are various types of chicken coop hangers available on the market, and the right one for you will depend on your situation. Here are a few common types:

A-Frame Hangers

A-frame hangers allow you to suspend your coop between two posts like a swing. They have a simple design and are relatively easy to install. A-frame hangers are best suited for smaller coops.

Trolley Hangers

Trolley hangers are ideal for larger coops that need to be moved frequently. They feature wheels on the underside of the hanger, allowing you to move the coop around your yard with ease.

Ceiling Hangers

Ceiling hangers are perfect for indoor coops or garages. They hang from the ceiling and allow you to suspend your coop in a stable and secure position.

Installation Tips for Chicken Coop Hangers

Installing a chicken coop hanger is a relatively simple DIY project. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Choose a secure location: When installing your hanger, it’s important to choose a location with a sturdy and stable support structure. The last thing you want is for your chicken coop to come crashing down.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Be sure to follow the installation instructions for your specific hanger to ensure the safety and stability of your coop.
  • Check the weight limit: Make sure your hanger can handle the weight of your chicken coop and that it is properly secured.
  • Consider the height: Take into account the height of the hanger and the height of your coop to ensure that your chickens have enough headroom.
  • Inspect regularly: After installation, be sure to inspect your hanger and coop regularly for signs of wear or damage.


In conclusion, a chicken coop hanger is an excellent investment for poultry farmers of all levels. It saves space, protects your lawn, improves ventilation, and provides predator protection. With various types available and easy installation, it’s a convenient solution to a common problem. Consider investing in a chicken coop hanger today and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer!
