The Ultimate Guide to Building a Chicken Coop and Run for 30 Chickens

chicken coop and run for 30 chickens


Raising backyard chickens is becoming more and more popular as people look for sustainable and organic food options. However, in order to keep your chickens happy and healthy, you need to provide them with a suitable living environment. This is where a chicken coop and run come in.

Why Do You Need a Chicken Coop and Run?

A chicken coop is a shelter for your chickens to sleep in at night and lay their eggs in. It also protects them from predators, such as foxes and raccoons, that might harm or kill your chickens. A chicken run is an enclosed area where your chickens can spend their days outside, pecking around and enjoying the sunshine.

How Big Should Your Chicken Coop and Run Be?

The size of your chicken coop and run will depend on the number of chickens you have. For 30 chickens, you'll need a coop that's at least 90 square feet and a run that's at least 450 square feet. This will give your chickens plenty of room to move around and avoid overcrowding.

Materials You'll Need

  • Wooden beams for the frame
  • Plywood for the walls and roof
  • Nails and screws
  • Saw
  • Hammer
  • Insulation
  • Chicken wire

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Chicken Coop and Run

1. Choose a Location

Your chicken coop and run should be placed in a location that's shaded and well-ventilated. It should also be on level ground and protected from strong winds. Make sure the area is accessible for you to clean and maintain.


2. Build the Frame

The frame is the skeleton of your chicken coop and run. Use wooden beams to create a sturdy structure. Make sure you measure everything correctly to avoid any mistakes.


3. Add the Walls and Roof

Attach plywood to the frame to create the walls and roof. Make sure to insulate the walls for added warmth in the winter months.


4. Install Chicken Wire

Attach chicken wire to the walls and roof of the run. This will provide ventilation and protection from predators. Make sure to bury the bottom of the chicken wire at least a foot into the ground to prevent predators from digging underneath.


5. Add Perches and Nesting Boxes

Your chickens will need roosting perches to sleep on at night. You'll also need to add nesting boxes for them to lay their eggs in.


6. Add Feeders and Waterers

Place feeders and waterers inside the coop and run to provide your chickens with food and water.



Regular maintenance is essential to keep your chicken coop and run in good condition. Make sure to clean out the coop and run regularly and check for any damage or wear and tear. Replace any broken or damaged parts as soon as possible.


Building a chicken coop and run may seem like a daunting task, but it's a lot easier than you might think. By following these steps, you can create a safe and comfortable living environment for your chickens. Not only will they be happier and healthier, but you'll also have a constant supply of fresh, organic eggs.
