The Ultimate Guide to Building Chicken Coop Plans for 10 Hens

is chicken coop building plans for 10 hens


If you've ever considered raising chickens, building a chicken coop is an essential part of the process. But when it comes to accommodating a flock of 10 hens, you need a plan that is not only spacious but also efficient. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the steps of building a chicken coop specifically designed for 10 hens.


Step 1: Planning and Designing Your Chicken Coop

Before you start buying materials or hammering nails, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out plan. Consider the following factors when designing your chicken coop for 10 hens:

  • Size: Allow a minimum of 4 square feet per hen, so a 10-hen coop should have at least 40 square feet of floor space.
  • Layout: Divide the coop into different sections for nesting, roosting, and feeding areas.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow to prevent heat buildup and moisture accumulation.
  • Lighting: Incorporate windows or skylights to provide natural light during the day.
  • Access: Make sure the coop has easy access for cleaning and egg collection.
  • Predator Protection: Implement measures to keep your hens safe from predators.
  • Materials: Choose durable materials suitable for your climate and easy to clean.

Step 2: Gathering Materials and Tools

With a detailed plan in hand, it's time to gather the necessary materials and tools. Here is a list of items you'll likely need for constructing your chicken coop:

  • Lumber: Choose quality lumber for the frame, walls, and flooring.
  • Wire mesh: Use wire mesh for windows, ventilation, and predator-proofing.
  • Nails and screws: Select appropriate fasteners for the different components.
  • Hinges and latches: Ensure proper functioning of doors and access points.
  • Roofing materials: Consider weather-resistant materials to protect your coop.
  • Nesting boxes and roosting bars: Provide comfortable areas for your hens to lay eggs and roost.
  • Tools: Have a basic toolkit including a saw, drill, hammer, measuring tape, and level.


Step 3: Constructing the Chicken Coop

Now that you have everything you need, it's time to start building your chicken coop. Follow these steps to construct the coop:

  • Prepare the site: Choose a location where the coop will be secure and well-drained.
  • Build the base: Lay the foundation for the coop using pressure-treated lumber.
  • Construct the walls: Assemble the walls according to your plan, leaving spaces for windows and doors.
  • Install doors and windows: Attach doors and windows securely to ensure proper functionality.
  • Add roofing: Install a sloped roof with weatherproof materials to protect against the elements.
  • Create nesting and roosting areas: Provide comfortable spaces for your hens to lay eggs and roost at night.
  • Install ventilation: Cut openings and cover them with wire mesh to allow proper airflow.
  • Apply finishes: Paint or stain the coop to protect the wood and add aesthetic appeal.
  • Secure predator-proofing: Ensure all potential entry points are secured to keep your hens safe.
  • Add bedding and accessories: Line the nesting boxes with straw or wood shavings and provide feeders and waterers.


Step 4: Maintenance and Upkeep

Congratulations! Your chicken coop for 10 hens is now complete. However, the work doesn't end there. Consider these maintenance tips to keep your coop in top condition:

  • Regular cleaning: Remove droppings and replace bedding to maintain cleanliness.
  • Inspect for damage: Check for any wear and tear, addressing repairs promptly.
  • Monitor ventilation: Ensure airflow remains sufficient, especially during hotter months.
  • Predator prevention: Continue implementing measures to safeguard your hens from predators.
  • Routine maintenance: Oil hinges, replace damaged wire mesh, and tighten screws periodically.
  • Weather protection: Shield the coop from extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow.


Building a chicken coop for 10 hens requires careful planning, proper materials, and diligent construction. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll create a safe and comfortable environment for your flock. Remember, a well-designed coop is essential for the health and productivity of your chickens. Now, put your DIY skills to the test and enjoy the rewarding experience of raising hens in your own backyard!

