The Ultimate Guide to Building a Chicken Coop Out of Pallets Easily

easy to build chicken coop out of pallets


Chickens are great pets to have. They provide a source of protein in the form of eggs, they can be used for meat, and they are also fun to take care of. But before you can enjoy the benefits of having chickens, you need to build them a coop. A chicken coop is a shelter where your chickens can live, sleep, and lay their eggs. And the best part is, you can build a chicken coop out of pallets easily!


Why Use Pallets?

Pallets are a great building material for DIY projects. They are easy to find, affordable, and versatile. And since they are made of wood, they are a natural material that fits in well with a homesteading lifestyle. Plus, when you use pallets for your chicken coop, you are repurposing material that might otherwise end up in a landfill.


Tools and Materials You'll Need

  • Pallets (at least 3-4)
  • Circular saw or handsaw
  • Cordless drill
  • Wood screws
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Wire mesh
  • Zip ties
  • Staple gun
  • Paint (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Make a Plan

Before you start building, you need to make a plan. Decide how big you want your coop to be and how many chickens you plan to have. Sketch out a rough design on paper so you have a clear idea of what you're going to build when you start working with the pallets.

2. Gather Your Pallets

Find pallets that are in good condition and have not been treated with chemicals. You can usually find pallets for free from businesses that receive shipments in bulk. Try to find pallets that have similar dimensions to make construction easier.


3. Prepare the Pallets

Using a circular saw or handsaw, remove the top deck boards from the pallets. These boards will be used for the walls and roof of the coop. Remove any nails or staples that are still attached to the boards and set them aside for later use. The remaining framework of the pallets will be used for the floor and support of the coop.

4. Build the Frame

Using the pallet framework, build the foundation of the coop. Cut the framework to size using a circular saw or handsaw. Use wood screws to attach the pieces together. This will be the base of the coop. Remember to leave a gap for the door!


5. Add Walls and Roof

Using the deck boards from the pallets, attach them to the framework to create the walls and roof of the coop. Use wood screws to attach the boards to the framework. Make sure to leave a gap for ventilation and a door so you can access the coop.

6. Secure Wire Mesh and Doors

Using wire mesh and zip ties, cover the gaps in the walls and roof of the coop. This will provide ventilation while keeping predators out. Install a door using the deck board you saved earlier and hinges. Use a staple gun to attach the wire mesh to the door frame.

7. Add Perches and Nest Boxes

Using the leftover deck boards, create perches for the chickens to roost on. Attach them to the walls using wood screws. Create nest boxes for the chickens to lay their eggs in using cardboard boxes or plastic containers. Fill them with straw or sawdust to create a cozy nesting area for your hens.


8. Paint (Optional)

If you want to, you can paint your chicken coop to give it a finished look. Choose a paint that is safe for animals and the environment. Allow the paint to dry completely before introducing your chickens to their new home.

In Conclusion

Building a chicken coop out of pallets is a fun and inexpensive way to provide a home for your chickens. With a little bit of planning and some basic tools, you can easily construct a coop that will keep your feathered friends safe and happy. So what are you waiting for? Start building your chicken coop today!
